Week 2: Meaningful Work
What’s meaningful to one individual is NOT necessarily meaningful to another.
The highly effective leader understands that employees want to feel that their work matters, and that they are making a meaningful contribution to the overall success of the organization. The benefit to the employer is an engaged workforce, which is the number one DRIVER to achieving sustainable business results.

Cultivating MEANINGFUL WORK for your workforce takes a collective group of leaders that see each other and each employee as a unique individuals. This is a complex strategy, yet necessary to fully engage the workforce. Complex in the sense that an “Employee-Focused Leadership” approach, brings many contexts into play, demanding a new level of leadership competency. The Sulmonte Group, LLC provides the tools and executive coaching experience necessary to help their clients assess the effectiveness of the culture, team, and individual leader – a systems approach for improving the Collective Effectiveness of the Leadership Team.
Why a Systemic Approach to Improving Leadership Effectiveness and Business Performance?
The “Collective Effectiveness of a Leadership Team” will be below the “Average Effectiveness of the Collective”. In other words, a chain is in fact, WEAKER than its WEAKEST link. Organizations who seek a companywide transformation must objectively know where their leaderships weakest links exist.
Meaningful Work Improves Employee Engagement:
A leader’s effectiveness or the lack thereof will either be a constraint or conduit for CREATING MEANINGFUL WORK for their employees. The daily interaction a leader has with those they lead, is the conduit. It is where the leader can engage the employee one-on-one, provide feedback, share information, and acknowledge their contribution. If done consistently and effectively (understanding the contexts in play), this activity will lead to increased employee engagement levels and improved business performance.
It may not be very surprising to most that employees who find their work meaningful are more likely to be engaged, yet what is surprising is the percentage of the American workforce population that are actually “Engaged”: 30% (Gallup 2012 State of The American Workforce – Employee Engagement Insights for U.S. Business Leaders).
Employee Engagement Levels Impact Business Results (Gallup 2012) – Three Categories: Engaged – Not Engaged – Actively Disengaged
- Reported Employee Engagement Levels:
- 70% of American workers are in the “Not Engaged” or “Actively Disengaged” category
- 30% of American workers are in the “Engaged” category
- Reported Impact on Business Results:
- Organizations with an average 9.3 to 1 ratio of “Engaged Employees” to “Actively Disengaged Employees” experienced a 147% higher EPS (Earnings Per Share) compared to their competition
- Companies with an average 2.6 to 1 ratio of “Engaged Employees” to “Actively Disengaged Employees” experienced a 2% lower EPS as compared to their competition
These facts make it clear. Engaged employees drive growth and business performance that can outpace their companies competition. Organizations that measure their leadership effectiveness to clear standards, based on empirical data, can objectively see the impact their leaders are having on employee engagement and bottom line results. They make decisions and take action based on these performance standards, not anecdotal information. Those organizations measuring to the wrong standards, or are not measuring to any standards at all, are in the dark, and may find it very difficult to remain competitive and viable.
The Sulmonte Group, LLC – Meaningful Measurements for Clarity, Action, Companywide Transformation, for Sustained Growth:
Clarity: We are executive coaches and practitioners of a technologically driven and statistically based set of leadership assessments that measure the leaders effectiveness to empirically based performance standards.
Action: Our clients use meaningful measurements, the performance standards that yield better decisions and relevant actions that have a logical basis, and that connect to their business performance metrics.
Results: The LCS, LTS, and LCP 360 are the best measurement tools to set performance standards and measure leadership performance to objectives that achieve companywide transformation. The results, more meaningful work for the employee, an engaged workforce, and sustainable growth for the organization.
Contact us today via email, phone, or click on “CONTACT US” for a FREE one hour NO HASSLE consultation: Learn how to CREATE CHANGE, IMPROVE BUSINESS PERFORMANCE, and ATTRACT AND RETAIN TALENT.
Next week’s Attracting and Retaining Talent Series topic: Building Career Entrepreneurship. To stay connected and receive all of our upcoming topics bookmark asulmonte.com!
Warm regards,